Sunday, December 14, 2014

Day 8

May 3, 2008

Last night I dreamed my teeth (and fillings) were falling out. In my dream, I had a nervous habit of pushing on my teeth, and then they'd just come out. I used to have this dream all the time, but I haven't had it in a long time. As usual, upon waking I checked my teeth, and they felt fine...strong, actually. (though still furry/fuzzy.)

Enema this morning...seemed like more went in that came out. Hmmm. I put salt into the water today, and a few drops of lavender oil.


  • 1/4 tsp MSM and lemon in 1/2 qt water
  • 1 qt: 2 oranges, 1 grapefruit, spinach and 1 Tbsp bee pollen
  • 1 2/3 qt: tomatoes, cuke, celery, cilantro, arugula, garlic, onion, hemp oil, spirulina, keop, orange pepper
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 1 qt strawberries, 2 apples, 1 banana, 1 orange -- YUM!
  • 1 Tbsp liquid chlorophull in 1/2 qt water
  • 1 qt yam, apple, lemon + yesterday's apple, carrot beet (mmm...sweet. The sweet potato is more starchy/powdery than the butternut sqash)
  • 1 capsule cascara sagrada

Today, I entered all my foods into because I read on Angela Stokes's juice feast blog that you are supposed to get at least 1500 calories. My breakdown was:
1735 calories: 14% fat, 79% carbs, 7% protein.
I'm sure it's slightly different, because I put in the raw foods, instead of juices.

I did a second enema tonight, though I didn't really want to (didn't listen to myself!) Suddenly I got a shooting, stabbing sharp pain across my intestines and into my anus. I couldn't sit or stand...I just had to hobble into bed and sleep. I used to get this years ago (in 1991-ish, when I was in massage school) because I had such awful constipation. But since having my first child 8 years ago (actually being pregnant with her) I haven't had a problem with constipation since...until now. So I'm not too happy with that.

Symptoms today:

  • low back pain
  • constipation
  • rt shoulder tightness/pain
  • shooting pain in intestines (while evacuating during enema)
  • fuzzy feeling on teeth

Also...I haven't lost any weight since Wednesday. I'm not focused on the NUMBERS, but I think this is indicative of the constipation.


Anonymous said...

Ouch! That sounds painful!!

*gentle hugs to you*

I'm enjoying the updates! Even though you aren't feeling all that great, your body is probably loving all of the nutrients from the juices!!

Can Dave give you a special massage or acupuncture treatment to help with the constipation? Is there a chance maybe you are emotionally holding back on something that your body wants to detox, so it's showing up in a physical way?

I'm sending you lots of love and energy during your juice feast, and always!


Penni said...

Hi Melissa!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog and way to go on your progress with juice feasting! I like Wendi's thoughts on the constipation issue. I had some of that in the beginning too. I try to get a weekly colonic right now while I'm juicing....that seems to have helped tremendously, as do regular enemas.

All the Best to You!

Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Hi Melissa!

I just finished a 74 day juice feast. It was enlightening to say the least! Wish you much joy on your journey. It goes by very quickly.

Pixy Lisa