Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day 30 + Garden pics

May 25, 2008

harvesting comfrey from our garden - to dry

Day 30! For me that is monumental because I am often unable to stick with positive dietary changes for very long. I actually have quite a bit to write, but I am soooo tired. Last night (water fasting), I slept from 6 pm until 9 pm, and then was awake all night! I finally did fall asleep from about 4 am until 7 am, but wow, I am tired.

Today I wasn't into my juices at all. Nothing tasted great to me. I decided to go a week without nightshades (tomatoes and peppers) to see if that helps my joint pain and stiffness (more on this tomorrow). I did juice the last 2 of my tomatoes today, but I made another green juice without tomatoes and it was just yucky. Carrots, celery, beets (orange beets), garlic, lemon, greens....

I also made a quart of watermelon juice and a couple quarts of apple, pineapple, strawberry, mints and greens with chlorophyll. That was more palatable (as was the w'melon juice.)

The final quart was squash, tomato, garlic, greens, celery, lemon...and even that did not thrill me. I didn't drink all the juice for today and I am hungry now. Dave is squeezing me orange juice and adding bee pollen right now.

I'll write more about the tomatoes tomorrow, but now I'll leave you with pictures from our garden:

I never realized that sage flowers look like this:

Here is one section of our garden...see the cilantro in the close row:

Our fig bush (maybe we'll get figs this year!) with our blackberry bush in the background:

the bed of greens - lettuces, spinach, collards, chard:

Look at all the mulberries getting ready to ripen:

Our peach tree's first year for peaches! I hope they get big and ripe:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see your garden on Wednesday!! It is looking so beautiful! This year my sage flowered differently than I ever remember it flowering in the past, too! I commented to Jim and KDcat about it just the other day. I think it's because I didn't harvest it at the end of the season and this is growth on old stems? It's beautiful!

Lots of love to you,

Wendi Dee