Friday, December 19, 2014

Day 3

April 28, 2008

I woke early because I was so hungry! I did EFT: tapping on the points saying "even though I am hungry, juice is nourishing me" (or something to that effect.) But I got up at 4:55 am and made juice. Today I had:

3/4 qt: orange, banana, spinach, 1 tsp spirulina, water
1 3/4 qt: beet, beet greens, collard, apple, carrot, water and 1 tsp bee pollen
1 1/4 qt: celery, cuke, collard, apple, lemon, romaine lettuce and water
1 qt: orange, papaya, banana, spinach, mint, lemon balm and water
1/2 qt: mango, water, ice and pinch real salt in blender (no filter)

Went to the zoo today and had good energy, but felt hungry. Brought the juice with me. Making three different quarts of juice and washing all the machines took less than an hour. (I used our Jack Lelane juice and the blender with nutmilk bag.)

I haven't had a bowel movement in three days and according to I should have 2-3/day! I decided I needed to try the enema thing. First time ever so was trying to get a feel for the whole thing. Did get some stool out, though.

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